Chlorinated Tap Water Major Cause of Acne
Released on: December 2, 2007, 10:24 pm
Press Release Author: Nick Wilson
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Atlanta, Georgia, 11/28/2007 - Is your tap water safe for consumption? Most people assume tap water is really safe, while scientific studies reveal that chlorinated tap water is a skin irritant and culprit of many skin disorders including acne, eczema and various kinds of rashes.
Press Release Body: Studies reveal that chlorinated tap water may cause acne and other serious skin disorders Atlanta, Georgia, 11/28/2007 - Is your tap water safe for consumption? Most people assume tap water is really safe, while scientific studies reveal that chlorinated tap water is a skin irritant and culprit of many skin disorders including acne, eczema and various kinds of rashes.
Chlorinated water destroys vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Loss of these fatty acids results in acne breakouts and skin rash. It destroys intestinal flora, the useful bacteria for digestion and preparation of vitamin K in the alimentary canal and generates free radicals. Free radicals increase toxicity and clog hair follicles
Trihalomethanes a chemical compound found in chlorinated water react with organic compounds in water to make organochlorides. Organochlorides directly affect your immune system and store within your body in fatty tissues such as breast, mother's milk, semen and blood. Weak immune system also stimulates sebaceous glands to produce more sebum that in turn results in acne.
People should use water filters to eliminate chlorine from water and skin care tonics to rejuvenate the skin by providing essential dietary components topically. Vitamin E, an essential vitamin for healthy skin is lost by chlorinated water, thus, topical provision of these substance may reduce the risks of acne breakouts and skin disorders.
About: Quick Acne Remedy ( ) is serving for people affected with acne, provides a platform for researchers and acne sufferers for sharing their ideas and providing best solutions. The research department of writing is engaged in providing true information about acne and its prevention.
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Contact Details: Alabama city Alabama
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